Lessons in Skillful Dialogue - Part One:

  1. 1 The Power of a Skillful Dialogue

    Objective: Parents learn the benefits of having a dialogue with their your dog

  2. 2 The Four Emotional States

    Objective: Parent gain knowledge of the four emotional states a dog can experience.

  3. 3 Level 1 - Practice Analysing Dogs' Emotions

    Objective: Physical representation of dogs in various states of emotion for parents to learn and test themselves on.

  4. 4 Level 2 - Practice Analysing Dogs' Emotions

    Objective: Physical representation of dogs in various states of emotion for parents to learn and test themselves on.

  5. 5 Level 3 - Practice Analysing Dogs' Emotions

    Objective: Physical representation of dogs in various states of emotion for parents to learn and test themselves on.

  6. 6 Level 4 - Practice Analysing Dogs' Emotions

    Objective: Physical representation of dogs in various states of emotion for students to learn and test themselves on.

Lessons in Skillful Dialogue - Part Two:

  1. 1 Human-Led Canine Paralanguage Method (HLCPM)

    Objective: Building from accurately interpreting canine signals and expressions, the HLCPM course provide indepth education on how to respond, create a dialogue, and strengthen bonds. It is foundational to many teachings such as "Something Better" and "Can I Touch You" and more.

  2. 2 The First Dialogue With Your Dog

    Objective: Introduction to creating a simple dialogue using a trust exercise.

  3. 3 Part 1 - The Elements of an Empathetic Response

    Objective: Parents learn how a dog says Yes, No and Maybe and how to respond empathetically.

  4. 4 Play the Skillful Dialogue Game

  5. 5 Part 2 - Respectful And Relationship-Building Dialogue

    Objective: Parents are able to view extended demonstrations of Yes, No and Maybe, feat. Sparky & Sunshine

  6. 6 Developing Your New Found Capabilities

    Objective: Parents are provided with final tips and next steps in building their capabilities

  7. 7 Practical: HLCPM and Psychophysiology Tool Creation Copy

  8. 8 The Power of Co-Regulation For Reactive Dogs

    Objective: This video is packed with lessons and introduces "serve and return", the LOVE process, the importance of Skillful Dialogue, and Expectation Settings

  9. 9 Downloadable LOVE Sample

    Objective: A colourful infogram of the LOVE process in action of dog-to-dog reactivity issues.

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