Lessons in Stage One: Behaviour Dog Parent Training (BDPT-S1):

  1. 1 Daily Journal Tracking

    Objective: How success is achieved through self-tracking to escalate and creates precision focus on progress.

  2. 2 Google Photo Album Set-Up

  3. 3 ACCEPT© Model & the Roles to Change Your Dog for Life

    Objective: Introduces various roles a dog parent must play in order to become the best caregiver.

  4. 4 Why Force Undermines Your Parenting Role

    Objective: Brings awareness and insight into what force is, what it does to human-dog relationships and popular beliefs

  5. 5 The Basics of Triggers

    Objective: To understand what triggers are and asks parents to create a list of triggers.

  6. 6 Trigger Worksheet Assignment

    Objective: An assignment to help dog parents identify triggers their dog may have and is essential to develop strategies in following lessons

  7. 7 Practical: Manage Stage and the Build Stage

    Objective: The two equally important strategies to support behaviour change.

  8. 8 Motivating Your Dog With Recipe Included

    Objective: Dog parents learn all about motivating their dogs to find joy in learning with them.

  9. 9 The Power of Puzzles

    Objective: Dog parents gain an understanding of enrichment through puzzle play

  10. 10 Practical: Nurturing Problem-Solving Skills and Mental Stimulation

    Objective: Dog parents apply teaching and coaching best practices for enriching problem-solving.

  11. 11 More Games ...

    Objective: Explore new games to provide teaching and coaching opportunities, while creating enrichment in the dog's life.

  12. 12 Introduction to CPM

  13. 13 Canine Paralanguage Method (CPM)

    Objective: This lesson teaches how our voice and expression can deliver a type of therapy add-on to support behaviour change and deepen our bond with our dogs.

  14. 14 Practical: CPM and Psychophysiology Tool Creation

  15. 15 Practical: Basic Level for Strengthening Impulse Control

    Objective: Dog Parents begin to put in place impulse control. This foundational level will be built upon throughout this course until Mastery is achieved.

  16. 16 Practical: Intermediate Level for Strengthening Impulse Control

  17. 17 In Real-Time: Teaching Leave-it & Quiz

  18. 18 Practical: Beginner & Intermediate Touch

    Objective: Learn how to teach Touch the PivotalChange.ca way - it different and works on building your relationship

  19. 19 Self-Assessment for Stage 2 Readiness

    Objective: Introduction to stage one metrics and self tracking dashboard

Lessons in Skillful Dialogue - Part One:

  1. 1 The Power of a Skillful Dialogue

    Objective: Parents learn the benefits of having a dialogue with their your dog

  2. 2 The Four Emotional States

    Objective: Parent gain knowledge of the four emotional states a dog can experience.

  3. 3 Level 1 - Practice Analysing Dogs' Emotions

    Objective: Physical representation of dogs in various states of emotion for parents to learn and test themselves on.

  4. 4 Level 2 - Practice Analysing Dogs' Emotions

    Objective: Physical representation of dogs in various states of emotion for parents to learn and test themselves on.

  5. 5 Level 3 - Practice Analysing Dogs' Emotions

    Objective: Physical representation of dogs in various states of emotion for parents to learn and test themselves on.

  6. 6 Level 4 - Practice Analysing Dogs' Emotions

    Objective: Physical representation of dogs in various states of emotion for students to learn and test themselves on.

Lessons in Skillful Dialogue - Part Two:

  1. 1 The First Dialogue With Your Dog

    Objective: Introduction to creating a simple dialogue using a trust exercise.

  2. 2 Part 1 - The Elements of an Empathetic Response

    Objective: Parents learn how a dog says Yes, No and Maybe and how to respond empathetically.

  3. 3 Play the Skillful Dialogue Game

  4. 4 Part 2 - Respectful And Relationship-Building Dialogue

    Objective: Parents are able to view extended demonstrations of Yes, No and Maybe, feat. Sparky & Sunshine

  5. 5 Developing Your New Found Capabilities

    Objective: Parents are provided with final tips and next steps in building their capabilities

Lessons in Your Dog. Your Journey.:

  1. 1 Introduction and What You Will Learn

    Objective: An overview of our BDPT program creates an understanding of expectations

  2. 2 Recommended Reading

  3. 3 Crates And Bedrooms

    Objective: Discussion on crates, how to find and purchase the right crate and equipment, and how a dog needs a bedroom too.

  4. 4 Why Dog-Parenting Is So Rewarding AND Hard

    Objective: Review the challenges and rewards of dog-parenting

  5. 5 ACCEPT© Model & the Roles to Change Your Dog for Life

    Objective: Introduces various roles a dog parent must play in order to become the best caregiver.

Lessons in Ritual-Making for Bond Creation:

  1. 1 Your Hidden Opportunities

    Objective: Provides an introduction for dog parents answering what is a ritual, how to identify routines to turned into rituals and what are the benefits

  2. 2 The Making of a Ritual

  3. 3 Elevating Daily Routines

    Objective: Describes and provides a tool for enriching and elevating routines into rituals for the dog parent.

  4. 4 Adding the Magic

    Objective: Teaches parents to make decision on how to elevate their rituals with their dogs.

  5. 5 Beginning & Ending Your Ritual

    Objective: At the end of this lesson, parents are able to effectively communicate when the ritual begins and when it is completed.

  6. 6 Online Ritual Design Form

  7. 7 References

Lessons in What Your Dog Is Saying - Basic Signals:

  1. 1 Dog Signals Expressions & Above Threshold & Threshold

    Objective: Dog parents learn how dogs uses expression and body signals aligned to heightened emotions

  2. 2 Dog Signals Mapped to Arousal

    Objective: Dog parents learn how dogs think, feel and behave aligned to being in arousal

  3. 3 Dog Signals Mapped to Subthreshold

    Objective: Dog parents learn how dogs think, feel and behave aligned to a dog being in subthreshold

  4. 4 Exercise: Signalling Emotions Worksheet

Lessons in Help a Dog Feel Safe When Home Alone :

  1. 1 Understanding Separation Anxiety

    Objective: Delivers key insights into Separation-Related Disorders, providing a foundation for the rest of the course.

  2. 2 Creating a Safe and Comfortable Space

    Objective: Dog parents learn about why and how to create a safe spot for their dog with SRD

  3. 3 Establishing a Consistent Routine & Sensory Mapping

    Objective: Learn about how routines and the dog's senses can help with Separation-related Disorders. How to Implement Consistent Routines and 6 Ways You Can Go Wrong is included.

  4. 4 Practical - Gradual Alone Time

    Objective: Provides a schedule and tips for desensitisation of dogs experiencing Separation-Related Disorders

  5. 5 Separation-Related Disorders and Enrichment Activities

    Objective: Dog parents gain an understanding of enrichment through puzzle play

  6. 6 Addressing Regression and Setbacks

    Objective: Dog Parents learn how to navigate the ups and downs of  separation-related disorders and gain insights into why dogs exhibit certain behaviors in response to ambiguous or unpredictable situations.

  7. 7 Final Thoughts

    Objective: Recapping key lessons

Lessons in Resource Guarding:

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